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finished Oprah December 2, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — hollyf @ 8:23 pm



Latest on Oprah November 25, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — hollyf @ 7:51 pm

oprah-crazy-womanOprah with some of her cult leaders.


Oprah Crazy November 20, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — hollyf @ 8:07 pm



Oprah taking over the world through brainwash

Filed under: Uncategorized — hollyf @ 7:06 pm

I am one of the many people who believe that Oprah is secretly brainwashing the world. She has hordes of woman believing that they need to buy one of her favorite things, check their poop and reading the books on her list. With my Image I am trying to point out the Control that she has on her viewer. oprah-zombieI have found many other people share in my belief. I am posting some of their thoughts and images for you to see.images-7images-8images-2oprah_and_louise_1oprah_and_secret_friendstomandoprah


November 13, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — hollyf @ 8:05 pm

dad-finalThis is my finished product and I think this is the best work so far this semester. I am hoping to print it out and give to my dad this Christmas.


lndian November 11, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — hollyf @ 8:58 pm


Native American tribes used paint or pigments from the earth to symbolize different things. Every person reflecting their own message. Different tribes had different designs. Color varide from red (war), black(living), Green (vision), white (peace), and Yellow (death). They used paint and different object to illiustrate meaning like a hand representing the presence of man, and his work, his acheivements & his history. Feathers symboling prayers, and marks of honor or flight. I put a Feather on the little boys face in the background to represent flight in life. dad-and-gavin-indiansdad-as-indian-chief3


MY Dad November 6, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — hollyf @ 4:25 pm

dad1My dad is a very funny and weird . I love this about him because I am the same way. However, I don’t get my dad obsession with Indians we have a whole room in our house dedicated to them. Sometimes I think he wants to be and Indians so their for with this project I think I am going to make my dad and Native American. In my dads collection he has paintings and drawings. Most of his collection is painting of Native Americans on horses and in their war decorative robes. I think that I will show my dad as a heroic Indian War chief. Donor pointed me to Edward Curtis who was a photographer who focued on shotting Native american Indians with a potogravure plates. Curtis made a Insiclapidea style book of haunting images of what he called primitive people and their cultures that were fading away. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/award98/ienhtml/curthome.html

Despite the local success of his studio, popular exhibitions, lantern slide lectures, and contracts for magazine articles, by 1905 Curtis had run out of funds for the expanding Indian “series.” But his photographs had attracted national attention. President Theodore Roosevelt employed him to take both his official Inauguration views and his daughter’s wedding pictures. Other national figures also patronized him. Then financier J. Pierpont Morgan, out of his virtually uncountable fortune, agreed to subsidize the field work for The North American Indian by granting the capital to set up a company, The North American Indian, Inc. In return, Morgan was to have several sets of the completed work for his own use and Curtis was to take on the task not only of producing the work, but also of selling subscriptions to it. Over time, this arrangement was to prove something of a treadmill for Curtis, but it did enable a major project–perhaps the largest anthropological project ever–to be undertaken. It was always a more collective project than has often been granted. While Curtis was the leader and figurehead, and while the publicity for the enterprise often stressed his personal role as an intrepid Westerner venturing among wild, mysterious, even hostile, peoples, camera and six-gun at the ready, the Morgan money actually enabled a changing team to be created.



comments from class crit October 28, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — hollyf @ 7:56 pm

We had class chat about Goods and Bad things about our Landscapes we created. Some Comment of changes I mite wont to change or add are: make fun clouds, color of the gate , light source , too much fog. However, I receive a lot of great comment. From what I can tell most people Like the evil cow lab the best. Personally  I agree I think my evil landscape show how much I have progress in this class.


evil cow October 16, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — hollyf @ 7:46 pm

Today I worked a lot on my evil image and added a lot to it. Overall I am super happy with the out come. I found some new tool I have never used before in my layers tool bar. I am a little unhappy with my flies they don’t fit just yet. something to work on I guess.



Filed under: Uncategorized — hollyf @ 6:21 pm

   John  a landscape artist from the early nineteenth century was the imagery I pulled from. Constable worked with the Picturesque which means “like a picture”. He painting centered on farming and grassy meadows enclosed by trees, hay , and cows . Constable painted out side a sketch and then finished in studio to get to right colors. My Utopia is a lot like that of constables paintings, I relax in the country and don’t care for the city life and the pollution it creates. I choose bright mid day light and Picturesque landscape. I used the magic wond and the clone tool a lot, along with the smart object and the rasterize smart object into my setting. I also became pretty good at magnetic lasso tool. Over all I learned and toned my skills in photoshop ready to start destroying my paradise.